River West Investments believes that progressive architecture and creative design are essential elements in the creation of long-term value.
It also understands the importance that these properties play in setting the standard for any development. Superior design attracts quality tenants and community support, resulting in exceptional economic performance.
The highest priority is given to exploring the unique characteristics of a property and the delicate relationship between building and community.

River West Investments communities have changes the standard of development in the Sacramento region. Laguna West’s environmental design has changed the debate on suburban land use and stimulated a national discussion n how we can re-design suburbs to be more environmentally responsible.
River West Investments demonstrated its commitments with the planting of more than 40,000 trees.
The dedication of more than 700 acres of parklands and open space, the provision of a range of housing from low-income to custom homes, the adoption of strict architectural guidelines, the building and showcasing of energy-efficient homes, the design of state-of-the-art natural treatment of drainage waters, and the creation of jobs within walking distance of homes.
It has demonstrated that California can grow while being respectful of the environment. River West has created tens of thousands of jobs and won many awards, from recognition for preservation of trees to accolades for community artwork.
River West is a leader in Master Planning, Construction Management and Real Estate Management.
In the past twenty years, River West has implemented the creation of more than 29,000 acres of land with residential, commercial, office and industrial uses.
River Wests role has included all or some of the following responsibilities:
Arranging project financing
Managing planning and design
Securing entitlements
Constructing site improvements and common areas
Establishing and enforcing architectural standards
Creating and maintaining entities such as homeowners’ associations and districts to ensure long-term project quality
Designing and implementing common marketing programs
Managing project sales and transactions

Master Planning and Real Estate Management
Master Planning
From vision through solution, River West designs and develops plans for large-scale mixed use projects that address the diverse needs and values of a community.
The result is the creation of vibrant, attractive places that become long term dynamic return destinations for a wide range of people.
Real Estate Management
By merging the best qualities of successful traditional neighborhoods with new planning principles, River West’s management creates positive economic return for its clients and communities.
Construction Management
Whether redeveloping a former military base, providing the infrastructure of an interchange, or creating an infill community, River West’s consistent quality and high standards consistently deliver long-term and exceptional financial performance.
Property Management
River West Investments offers an array of property management services for affiliated and third party owned properties. Whether master planned property, land held for investment or mitigation property, River West works diligently to maximize the potential of each property.
Our property management services include, but are not limited to, management of leases encompassing grazing and farming activities plus oversight of permanent crop operations (including almonds, peaches and walnuts). Some additional services offered are the management and marketing of water inventories as well as oversight of sand and gravel excavation ventures.